Posts – Page 2

Managing multiple Git identities

How to manage multiple Git identities on the same machine

How to resolve screen flickering in Arch

How to solve screen flickering in Arch when using Intel graphics and systemd-boot

Oh btw, I use Arch

Somehow I ended up on Arch and so far I'm liking it.

Switching from Ubuntu to Manjaro

After many years on Ubuntu I decided it was time for some distro hopping and I gave Manjaro a spin.

KYBC 2021 - Maze 3 Writeup

Writeup for Maze 3 challenge at KYBC CTF

KYBC 2021 - Maze 2 Writeup

Writeup for Maze 2 challenge at KYBC CTF

KYBC 2021 - Maze 1 Writeup

Writeup for Maze 1 challenge at KYBC CTF

TG:HACK 2020 Writeup - A game of keys

During Easter I played the TG:HACK 2020 CTF. Here' is my writeup for the A game of keys challenge.

How to sign PGP keys with an offline master key

Signing other people keys with an offline master key is not super straightforward. Here's how to do it in an almost pain-free way.

How to create a GPG key with subkeys

A step by step guide for creating a GPG key with subkeys.