TG:HACK 2020 Writeup - A game of keys

Download this file and get the flag. You will also need this wordlist.

The provided files are a python compiled file (keygame.pyc) and a txt file with a list of gibberish words (wordlist.txt). The wordlist didn't seem very interesting, so I proceeded to decompile the python file

$ uncompyle6 keygame.pyc >

And had a look at the source code

import base64
from itertools import cycle

class myGame:

    def __init__(self, xdim=4, ydim=4):
        self.x = xdim
        self.y = ydim
        self.matrix = []
        for i in range(self.x):
            row = []
            for j in range(self.y):


    def make_keys(self, *args, **kwargs):
        words = []
        with open('wordlist.txt') as (f):
            for line in f:

            for i in range(self.x):
                for j in range(self.y):
                    self.matrix[j][i] = words[(i + j)]

        keyArray = []
        key = ''
        for k in keyArray:
            key = key.strip() + str(k).strip()

        return key

    def checkdata(self, key):
        f = base64.b64decode('NSYDUhoVWQ8SQVcOAAYRFQkORA4FQVMDQQ5fQhUEWUYMDl4MHA==')
        data = f.decode('ascii')
        c = ''.join((chr(ord(c) ^ ord(k)) for c, k in zip(data, cycle(key))))
        print('%s ^ %s = %s' % (data, key, c))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mgame = myGame(25, 25)
    x = input('input a number: ')
    y = input('input a number: ')
    x1 = input('input a number: ')
    y1 = input('input a number: ')
    data = mgame.make_keys(int(x), int(y), int(x1), int(y1))

My take from it was that the programs takes four inputs and uses them for creating a key based on a matrix and on the wordlist. If the resulting key is the correct one, the checkdata function is going to print out the flag.

Running the program confirmed my theory

$ python
input a number: 1
input a number: 1
input a number: 1
input a number: 1
                             ^ aa0caa0c = TG31{tils gmag!vhotmd c` oo!tei%mono}

Now, how to figure out what are the correct inputs? The sources shows that the game is created with a 25x25 matrix (mgame = myGame(25, 25)) and since the inputs are used as indexes for the matrix, any input greater than 24 should be invalid.

A quick run of the program confirmed this theory as well

$ python
input a number: 25
input a number: 25
input a number: 25
input a number: 25
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 56, in <module>
    data = mgame.make_keys(int(x), int(y), int(x1), int(y1))
  File "", line 34, in make_keys
IndexError: list index out of range

So, I needed a way to test all the possible combinations of four inputs ranging from 0 to 24 and it turned out that python has a built-in way for doing just that. Enter itertools.products

import itertools
from keygame import myGame

inputs = [range(0, 25), range(0, 25), range(0, 25), range(0, 25)]
possibilities = [p for p in itertools.product(*inputs)]

mgame = myGame(25, 25)

for p in possibilities:
    data = mgame.make_keys(*p)
    result = mgame.checkdata(data)
    if result.startswith('TG20{'):
        print(result, p)

I commented out the print statements from to reduce the noise, and then waited for my script to spit out the flag

'TG20{this flag should be on teh moon}'
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