A couple of days ago I released and upload to PyPI the first stable release of Subvenv. Besides being a labor of love, Subvenv is an utility for creating virtualenv-friendly Sublime Text project files.
The reason why I wrote it is that I am lazy and I love to have computers taking care of boring and repetitive tasks on my behalf. More specifically, I wasn't super happy with my typical workflow for starting a new project, since it required me a certain number of steps before being finally able to crunch some code.
Here's what my workflow used to look like:
- create a Virtualenvwrapper project
- open Sublime Text
- create a Sublime Text project
- add the previously created folder to the project file
- add the virtual environment interpreter path to the project file, so that linting plugins could pick that instead of the global one (and stop complaining about missing imports!)
- Start coding
Now with Subvenv instead:
- create a Virtualenvwrapper project
- open Sublime Text
- open the Sublime Text project
- Start coding
Way faster and less error prone! So, why not sharing it? I cleaned up the code a bit, made it more virtual environment management agnostic, and uploaded it on PyPI. Now it's out there. If you use Sublime Text you might want to have a look it - it may speed up your workflow too :)
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