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Advent of Code: reflections of a first timer

Some reflections from playing AoC for the first time.

TIL: =+ doesn't throw an error

Mistyping =+ instead of += can lead to some sneaky bugs

Uv gotchas

A collection of the things that caught me offguard while using uv.

Managing virtual machines with Qemu

A while ago I switched from Virtualbox to Qemu for virtual machines management. Here are my notes on how to set it up and all the gotchas I stumbled upon while doing it.

Xmonad keybindings and media keys

How to set up keybindings and make media keys work in Xmonad

Exploring xmonad: Getting started

The first of a series of articles about exploring xmonad and trying to wrap my head around Haskell.

Make pyenv and pyright play nice together

If you use pyenv local, Pyright will not automatically pick up the correct virtualenv. Here's an explanation of why it happens and how to work around it.

TIL: strip does not do what I think it does

It turns out I have been using it wrong for all this time!

Going full in with Neovim

Goodbye .vimrc, hello lua.init!

Learning vim in 2022

I decided that in 2022 I would learn Vim, here's how it went.